The most important relationship to a child is the one they develop with their parent. The Parent-Child Relationship is one that nurtures the physical, emotional and social development of the child. Today, technology has made it possible to do almost anything that traditional ways of life knew nothing about. One of these capability is what Schoola has made possible with the parent dashboard.
With many available options including online meetings, email, text messaging, social media, and your school website, it can be overwhelming to come up with an effective and engaging strategy to communicate with parents.
Communicating with parents and as often as needed without hassle is very crucial in the progress of the student in the school.
The Schoola “Parent Portal” is a new feature that allows communication between the school and the parent. It is an information system that gives parents access to real-time information including attendance, grades, and assignments.
With the “Parent Portal” everyone stays connected, as it serves as a bridge between the school and the parents.
Parents need to know their child’s progress and what are they learning at school, while students need to stay on top of assignments, classwork and other school activities. Parents are able to track their child’s progress, and teachers can instantly share relevant and timely information from their gradebook with parents so parents are engaged.
When a parent logs in
* The dashboard is the first screen that you will see
* You can access and view any of your children through the same portal.
* Notifications appear when the school shares information with the parent
* It also to allow for easy logins not confuse the parent.
Parents can see:
• A list of their children
• Their termly reports
• Invoices from the school
• Their children’ school data on a click
• Parents can keep tract of their records easily
• Data is stored on cloud and cannot be lost
• Teachers can share information faster
Our team is there to assist you at every step, so you are in safe hands.